Marialena Fernandes


UNO DUE TRE - for the 25th time!!! - Fernbeziehungen - 21.11.14

Music that doesn´t know any borders connects and disconnects, changes old into new, classic into jazz. Many worlds of sound come together not knowing why the relationship to each other is so intense.

Stefan Plank, Trumpet, Jazz Piano Astrid Pinsger, Vocals Georg Aichberger, Guitar Sebastian Küberl, Bass Christian Glöckler, Drums Marialena Fernandes, Concept, Idea, Piano and Presentation

Datum: 21.11.2014
Ort: Musikverein, Gläserner Saal
Adresse: Bösendorferstrasse 12, 1010 Wien
Beginn: 11:18
